St Louis Car Accident Lawyer: Questions Answered

St Louis Car Accident Lawyer: Questions Answered

As experienced St Louis Car Accident Lawyers, we handle a broad range of car accident cases in Missouri and Illinois. We handle cases involving any injury, including brain and spinal cord injuries, whiplash, broken bones, concussions, internal damage, back injuries, paralysis, and lost limbs.

Call an experienced St Louis Car Accident Lawyer: 314.962.5100

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, a St Louis car accident lawyer at the Mueller Law Practice is here to answer your questions, any questions, for free. Call us now: 314.962.5100

St Louis Car Accident Lawyer: Proving Fault

As a St Louis Car Accident Lawyer, we will prove the other party is at fault by:

  • Reviewing traffic camera and video footage
  • Requesting official cell phone records
  • Examining the time of phone usage
  • Analyzing tickets the driver may have been issued prior to the crash
  • Determining where (and if possible, when) a GPS was used
  • Retracing the driver’s steps to determine whether food or a beverage was purchased

Negligence refers to an individual or entity’s failure to meet the standard level of acceptable behavior which includes paying proper attention while operating a vehicle to ensure the safety of others. In recent years, with the increase in use of technology, the number of distracted drivers is on the rise.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving may refer to eating or drinking while driving, using the car’s electronic system, attempting to program a GPS device, talking on the phone, texting while driving, and checking other electronic media. If you are injured in a car accident and believe it was caused by a distracted driver, your attorney can launch an investigation into the crash to identify any indications of negligence.

Insurance Claim Process:

Your St Louis Car Accident Lawyer will contact the other party or parties and attempt to reach a settlement agreement before a lawsuit is filed. If negotiations are unsuccessful, your St Louis Car Accident Lawyer will submit your claim to the court, thereby starting the official lawsuit process. Typically, both parties will attempt to negotiate for a settlement while preparing their cases for trial to keep the case from proceeding to court. Most cases settled without going to court.

Handling Discussions With Insurance Companies

Missouri and Illinois allows automobile accident victims to seek compensation directly from the at-fault party, the at-fault party’s insurance company or their own insurance company. If you are involved in a crash, it is important to remember that these insurance companies are for-profit businesses and may attempt to confuse you or compel you into to agreeing to a settlement that is insufficient to cover your losses.

After a St Louis Car Accident, it is also imperative that you do not discuss the accident or disclose any details with any party—except for your attorney and treating physician. Any statements or comments you make can potentially harm your pursuit of compensation during negotiations or at trial. Your attorney can handle any insurance discussions or negotiations on your behalf.

Legal Representation You Can Trust

Have you or someone you know been involved in an auto accident and suffered serious injuries? If so, contact a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer at the Mueller Law Practice, LLC, for a FREE consultation regarding your personal injury claim. When you call us you will talk to an actual lawyer and we will come to your home if that’s what works best for you.

We only represent injury victims. No fee unless you recover a settlement. FREE call and FREE consultation. Call now, then decide: 314.421.4441 or

If you have suffered an accident or injury, call a St Louis Personal Injury Lawyer at the Mueller Law Practice, LLC, for a free case evaluation: (314) 421-4441. Speak with live attorney about your claim. Evenings and Weekends: (314) 962-5100.

We offer free phone consultations 24/7, and no fees or costs. At the Mueller Law Practice, we listen to you.

Serving Missouri and Illinois. Learn more: 314.421.4441.